Friday, May 9, 2008

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome to my new blog, which is essentially the same blog just on a new address. A fresh start for a new location. I have finished boot camp and I have finished my A-School.  As of 12May2008 I will be getting on a plane and heading to Sicily, my new home for the next two years. 

Since I wont be in school I wasn't sure at first if I would keep a blog even. It seems wrong to stop it though with so many people that read it. I'm not positive what kind of things I will be posting. Expect the normal updates i.e. how the new job is, what I do, how life in Italy is. I hope to turn this into more of a photo blog though. I plan on buying a decent camera and taking lots of trips around Europe. So that will make for some good photos.

Ok so don't expect much at first, I will update this as soon as I get to Sicily and get settled in with internet and all.

(also I'm not sure how permanent this layout will be, I want to do something more creative but right now I'm trying to enjoy my leave rather than spend the whole time hiding behind my laptop.)



MC Daniel Cox-Vasquez

Hey! This is D.E.P recruit Daniel Rey Cox-Vasquez. I will be leaving for boot camp on the 28th of May. I am an MC and hope the schooling will be enlightening. Keep the blog up because there are newbies who need the inside scoop.

No Souvenirs

Hey! Just wanted to say I hope you are loving Sicily! :)

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